welcome KOSA

Karimnagar Orthopaedic Surgeons Association

Welcome to the Karimnagar Orthopaedic Surgeons Association, a community of dedicated orthopedic professionals committed to elevating musculoskeletal care in Karimnagar and beyond.

Established in [year], our association unites skilled orthopedic surgeons who share a passion for excellence in patient care and continuous professional development. We focus on fostering collaboration, promoting research and innovation, and advocating for the highest standards of ethical practice. As a member, you join a network of experts devoted to advancing orthopedic knowledge and enhancing the well-being of our community. Explore membership opportunities and be a part of our mission to achieve orthopedic excellence in Karimnagar.


Professional Development


Community Outreach


Research and Innovation



Our Mission

Leading orthopedic excellence, we dedicate ourselves to delivering advanced care and enhancing lives in Karimnagar through innovative surgical solutions and compassionate patient support.

Our Vision

To be the forefront of orthopedic healthcare in the region, setting new standards of excellence. We aspire to create a community where superior orthopedic services are accessible to all, transforming lives with care and innovation.

KOSA President

Prof. Dr. Bangari Swamy

As President of the Karimnagar Orthopaedic Surgeons Association, I am honored to lead a dedicated community of orthopedic professionals. Together, we strive for excellence in patient care, continuous learning, and the advancement of orthopedic knowledge.

Our commitment is to serve the community with compassion, innovation, and the highest standards of medical expertise. Join us on our journey towards a healthier, more vibrant Karimnagar.


News & Events

Recent orthopedic breakthroughs bring hope

Advanced treatments, research findings, and innovations shape the future of musculoskeletal care, enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.

Discover the latest in orthopedics

From breakthrough treatments to cutting-edge research, stay informed on advancements shaping musculoskeletal health for a better future.

Bone and Joint Day

Bone and Joint Day celebrates musculoskeletal health, raising awareness and promoting preventive measures. Join us in advocating for stronger bones and healthier joints for a better life